Virtual Event Report: RFID and IoT in Europe

View the PDFs and recordings from RFID Journal's recent online event.
Published: November 23, 2021

Companies throughout Europe are employing radio frequency identification for a variety of uses cases. With that in mind, RFID Journal hosted a virtual event last week titled  RFID and IoT in Europe 2021. This online event, sponsored by  Omni-ID, explained how a hospital is tracking medical assets; how passive RFID tags and labels can accurately measure temperatures, the fill levels of bottles and vials, or an area’s moisture content; and how to alleviate supply chain bottlenecks.

Links to archived recording of the session presentations are presented below, along with PDFs of the slides used in those presentations. The presenters own the copyright to these materials, which are being offered only for personal reference and should not be reused without permission. Please note that you need to be a Registered User or Premium Member of RFID Journal, as you will be prompted to enter your e-mail address and password before viewing the recording and PDF. Registration is free.

Left to right: Neil Tilley, Jason Connolly, David Owen, Matt Behroozi and Mark Roberti

Tracking Medical Devices with RFID at Tallaght University Hospital
Tallaght University Hospital’s Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Department manages and maintains approximately 8,000 medical devices. In addition to machines based in each ward, the department has a medical equipment library from which infusion and respiratory devices are loaned as needed by the clinical areas. This session outlined how the organization has reduced the amount of time personnel spend searching for devices, as well as how it has increased equipment utilization levels and improved workflow processes.
Speakers: Neil Tilley, Clinical Engineer, Dialysis Unit, Tallaght University Hospital; Jason Connolly, Principal Clinical Engineer, Medical Equipment Library, Tallaght University Hospital
Presentation | Recording

Taking Passive RFID to New Levels with Temperature, Fill-Level and Moisture Monitoring
Omni-ID, the original patent holder for on-metal RFID tags (now part of HID Global), has partnered with specialist IC manufacturer Axzon to create a range of passive RFID tags and labels that can accurately measure temperatures, the fill levels of bottles and vials, or an area’s moisture content. Part of the company’s Sense product line, these batteryless, maintenance-free devices have a wide range of use cases for asset tracking, monitoring and predictive maintenance. This session explained the ways in which these products can be deployed.
Speakers: David Owen, Marketing Manager, Omni-ID; Matt Behroozi, Product Manager, Omni-ID
Presentation | Recording

How RFID Can Alleviate Supply Chain Bottlenecks
Throughout Europe, businesses are grappling with delayed shipments, resource shortages and other challenges that disrupt normal operations. This session explained how RFID and other IoT technologies can address some of these issues, as well as help companies get back on track and deal with future disruptions.
Speaker: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal
Presentation | Recording

RFID Journal applies an objective editorial approach to its events, which feature end-user case studies from industry leaders worldwide, along with the latest products and services offered by leading technology companies. The next RFID Journal virtual event will be  RFID in Aerospace/Defense 2021, to be held on Dec. 7. This will be followed by a webinar on Dec. 9,  Tales from the Field: Building and Running a Successful IT Hardware Asset-Management Program. Information about other upcoming in-person events, virtual events and webinars is available  here.