RFID Portrayed in a Positive Light

A CNBC segment aimed at consumers shows how RFID baggage tagging could reduce hassles for travelers.
Published: January 11, 2007

Radio frequency identification often gets portrayed in the mainstream media as a threat to consumers. Few stories mention how the technology will make consumers’ lives better, simpler or easier. One rare recent example of a positive RFID story aimed at consumers is High-Tech Luggage Tracking, a short segment on CNBC.

The segment talks about how many bags go missing each year and how RFID could potentially make it easier to track bags as they move through airports and ensure they get to the right destination. There’s no mention of Big Brother or the usual stuff that the main stream media throws in to make the story more “sexy.”

So far, the RFID industry has a hard time getting positive stories into the mainstream press because scare stories about Big Brother tracking consumers are more appealing. But this video clip seems to suggest that at least some journalists are getting beyond the simplistic scare stories and presenting RFID as simply a technology that can be used for different applications—including many that benefit consumers.

Click to view the CNBC video: High-Tech Luggage Tracking