P&G Leader to Keynote at RFID Journal LIVE!

Dick Cantwell, head of Procter & Gamble's RFID efforts, completes an unparalleled speaker lineup at RFID Journal's fourth annual conference and exhibition.
Published: February 20, 2006

Dick Cantwell, vice president of Gillette/Procter & Gamble (P&G), will deliver a keynote address on P&G’s EPC Advantaged Strategy at RFID Journal LIVE! 2006, the fourth annual RFID Journal conference and exhibition.

This year, RFID Journal LIVE! will be held at the MGM Grand Hotel‘s Conference and Exhibition Hall in Las Vegas, from May 1 to May 3. Cantwell will explain how P&G is benefiting from using Electronic Product Code technologies today.

Dick Cantwell

“Dick Cantwell has been more than just a leading proponent of EPC technologies; he’s been a leader in devising innovative ways to deploy it for real business benefits,” says Mark Roberti, founder and editor of RFID Journal. “He completes what is an unprecedented lineup of leading end users who can discuss how RFID is delivering benefits today.”

Cantwell will explain P&G’s strategy, talk about where and how his company is utilizing EPC today and answer questions from the audience and from Roberti, who will moderate the session. Among the other RFID thought leaders who will be delivering speeches during the general sessions are:

  • Kevin Humphries, senior VP of information technology, Federal Express
  • Jim Noble, group VP and chief information officer, Altria Group
  • Carolyn Walton, VP, information systems division, Wal-Mart Stores
  • Alan Estevez, assistant deputy undersecretary, Department of Defense
  • Jeffrey M. Stagnitti, chief of dist. planning & transformation, DLA

The conference will feature more than 30 additional end users with hands-on experience discussing lessons learned and where RFID can—and can’t—benefit businesses in key industries. Such areas include retail/consumer goods, health care/pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, transportation/logistics and defense/aerospace.

Another 25 experts from academia, standards bodies and independent consulting firms will provide additional content in three tracks aimed at helping attendees get to the next level of RFID expertise. “Getting Started” helps newcomers to RFID understand the basics and figure out to whom they can turn for help. “How To Deploy RFID” helps businesspeople and technologists evaluate potential applications, launch field trials and scale systems. “Executive Strategy,” meanwhile, is aimed at senior executives looking to plan a corporate deployment and get a buy-in from top management.

In addition, the conference will feature leading RFID vendors explaining how and where RFID technologies can benefit end users. Attendees will see real-world applications and the latest products in the 50,000-square-foot exhibition hall.

“Each year, our lineup of speakers gets stronger and stronger because we’ve covered more and more companies in print and online, and because more people are deploying RFID and have insights to share,” says Roberti. “I’ve no doubt that this year’s event will deliver tremendous value to attendees.”

Early registration discounts expire on Feb. 29. To register, visit RFID Journal LIVE! 2006.