Logistics Event Issues Call for Papers

The Impact of Virtual, Remote and Real Logistics Labs event will provide a venue for researchers from academia and industry who are interested in future-oriented logistics labs, as a nucleus for innovation.
Published: August 24, 2011

Over the years, RFID Journal has been very supportive of academic research related to radio frequency identification. We are a sponsor of the University of Arkansas’s RFID Research Center, we helped fund the RFID Alliance Lab, and we have hosted the past three RFID events held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). We believe that academic and applied research is critical to a healthy RFID industry.

Dieter Uckelmann, the manager of the LogDynamics Lab and the chair of the Global RF Lab Alliance (GRFLA), is initiating a new academic conference on The Impact of Virtual, Remote and Real Logistics Labs (ImViReLL’12 ), to be hosted by the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics, at the University of Bremen, in Germany, from Feb. 27 to Mar. 2, 2012.

The event is not entirely about RFID, but the technology will be a major focus at the conference. The scientific committee is a “who’s who” of RFID and logistics researchers and practitioners, and many leading academic and industry RFID labs around the world will participate.

ImViReLL’12 will provide a venue for researchers from academia and industry who are interested in future-oriented logistics labs as a nucleus for innovation. The conference will address research in logistics from a wide range of fields, including engineering, computer science, distributed education and collaborative research. Developments such as the Internet of Things, as well as research about virtual and remote labs, are changing the scope of logistics labs rapidly, enabling new forms of collaboration.

“Logistics labs are successfully deployed as a research and demonstration tool,” Uckelmann says. “However, collaboration among logistics labs needs to be improved in order to better exploit existing lab infrastructures, share experiences and enable new logistic research networks. ImViReLL’12 will address this need, and provide a platform for cooperation and innovation.”

The conference is supported by two European research programs: CONCORD, a facilitating and supporting action covering European Internet research, and RACE networkRFlD, a collaborative supporting action for RFID research. A call for papers is available at the ImViReLL’12 Web site.

Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal. If you would like to comment on this article, click on the link below. To read more of Mark’s opinions, visit the RFID Journal Blog, the Editor’s Note archive or RFID Connect.