Excellence in RFID

This year's RFID Journal Award winners reflect how the radio frequency identification industry has matured.
Published: June 1, 2010

On Apr. 19, RFID Journal presented the fourth annual RFID Journal Awards for outstanding achievement in radio frequency identification technology to four companies at RFID Journal LIVE! 2010, our eighth annual conference and exhibition.

This year, we also presented our first Special Achievement Award. The winners are:

Minera Norge, Best RFID Implementation

Impinj, Best New RFID Product

Sanjay Sarma, Special Achievement in RFID

The Roy and Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center, Most Innovative Use of RFID

Almacafé, Best Use of RFID in a Product

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You can read about each end user’s RFID project in the following stories:

Chipping Away at RFID Tag Problems

RFID Helps Ensure That Special Cup of Joe

RFID Helps Heal Body, Mind and Spirit

An RFID Visionary

Minera Norge Takes RFID to the Arctic Edge

You’ll learn how Impinj’s new Monza 4 tag chips promise to improve read rates and enhance data security, and why Sanjay Sarma is a true RFID visionary. What’s more, you can view all of the presentations and acceptance speeches in the video library on our Web site.

Photos: Tom Hurst