Why Advertise with RFID Journal
RFID Journal has the largest and most qualified audience because we provide the high-quality information that business executives and technologists working on RFID projects require. We can segment our audience so you reach your potential customers cost-effectively.
Targeted Advertising Works
RFID Journal has the capability to show your ads to your potential customers. We can target online ads by any of the following criteria or a combination of these:
* Industry
* U.S. State or Candadian Province
* Country or region
* By keywords/phrases such as "asset tracking"
* Time of day and day of the week
* Reader frequency
For as little as $3,000 per year, you can target the customers you want to reach by industry, country, region and even the specific solutions they are interested in with our unique targeted advertising technology. View video ».
"RFID Journal and the RFID Journal LIVE! events have played a major part in Cadbury’s efforts to stay abreast of RFID advances and applications in the marketplace."
—David Sasdi, Director of Customer and Supply Chain Integration,
Cadbury North America