RFID Journal‘s article, “RFID Gets Visual,” published in June of this year, mentioned that “an event that issues RFID ID badges to attendees could feature message boards that display a personalized message when a particular individual approaches.” Is this technology currently available—and, if so, how could I contact someone about it?
—Name withheld
The technology to read a badge as someone approaches an electronic bulletin board exists, and the ability to create a screen that displays a message using Omni-ID‘s visual tags also exists. There is no off-the-shelf system, however, that will do exactly what I described in that artcle.
That said, any systems integrator could set up a solution to receive a message, associate that message with an RFID badge and then display it, perhaps on an LCD screen. As the technology’s cost comes down, it might be possible to wear interactive badges that would receive messages when a person was near a reader, and to then display them on that individual’s badge.
—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal