We are interested in using radio frequency identification for both the tracking and verification/authentication of tax-clearance certificates, as well as insurance certificates, as we have approximately 60 percent fake certificates in circulation. The idea is that with RFID-tagged certificates, any fake documents will be easily detected in the verification-tracking chain, as the fake would either be without RFID or without the correct information written into it. Is this possible?
—Name withheld
Yes, it is.
The American University of Sharjah and dozens of other universities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are placing RFID tags on the diplomas they issue, in order to ensure the documents’ validity, as well as speed up the process of university registration. The RFID application, currently being rolled out, will be employed by 50 universities throughout the country and roughly 15,000 students, and will then be added to as needed.
The American University of Sharjah attaches the tags to all diplomas it issues. Employees trained to work with the RFID system transfer the students’ information to the tag using an interrogator. When students want to continue coursework, they can take the diploma to a MOHESR office for registration or attestation. The ministry’s staff uses readers at various MOHESR offices to determine if a particular student’s degree is valid (by reading the information on the encrypted tag) as well as quickly collect pertinent information for registration. For more details about the system, see UAE Universities Adopt RFID to Thwart Diploma Forgery.
3M sells a high-frequency (HF) 13.45 MHz file-tracking system. And there is also a company called FileTrail that sells a complete file-tracking system. But many companies have created their own system using either HF or ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID tags and readers.
Here are some stories that show what they’ve done and how:
• Bahrain Government Agency Tracks Files With RFID
• RFID Helps FDA Caseworkers Track Important Paperwork
• RFID Helps Cordes & Simon Document Shipments
• Maryland Court Tries UHF RFID File-Tracking System
• Austrian Bank Finds RFID Yields Big Returns When Tracking Loan Files
• U.S. Court Finds RFID Less Taxing for File Tracking
• San Bernardino Human Services RFID-enables File Warehouse
• RFID Brings Order to the Law
• Fort Hood to RFID-Tag Medical Records
—Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal