RFID Goes Mainstream

Published: February 1, 2005

It might be a few years before RFID is considered a mainstream supply chain technology, but it has clearly entered the mainstream of public consciousness.

The Motley Fool, a popular investment Web site, has begun writing about RFID stocks. On Nov. 15, The New York Times ran a front-page article on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s RFID initiatives and on Pfizer’s plans to track shipments of Viagra with RFID.

Shortly thereafter, The Tonight Show host Jay Leno offered up this insight: “Bottles of Viagra will soon carry tiny built-in radio transmitters to help stop counterfeiting…The only side effect [is] when you get really excited, the garage door goes up.” And on Nov. 30, “Dilbert,” the world-famous cartoon lampooning corporate existence, ran the strip below. Next thing you know, Homer Simpson will get caught up in some wacky tracking scheme using the technology. D’oh!