A New Source of Revenue for RFID Solution Providers

RFID Journal is now publishing requests for proposals from private- and public-sector organizations worldwide.
Published: October 27, 2013

RFID Journal‘s mission, from the moment I conceived of the idea of a Web site focused on radio frequency identification, has been to help companies, government agencies, nonprofits and other organizations use all types of RFID technologies to enhance efficiencies and improve operations. A big part of that involves connecting organizations with RFID solution providers that can meet their needs. Recently, we introduced a new feature on our Web site that should help us do that even more effectively.

Last month, we began publishing tenders and requests for proposals from organizations worldwide (see our RFP library). The RFPs include a wide range of projects. During a two-day span last week, we published details about RFPs for:

• An RFID-based detection system for the U.S. Department of Defense
• An asset-management solution for a Chinese agency
• A comprehensive annual maintenance contract regarding a corporate RFID smartcard-based access-control system for an Indian nuclear-power company
• An RFID-based field automation solution for a gas provider in Qatar
• An RFID supply-chain management solution for a Brazilian government agency
• A media security and tracking solution for a German agency
• An identification system for cattle, sheep and goats in France

Each RFP includes the type of bidding (domestic or international competitive), a brief description of the project, the organization that put out the RFP, the contact information to which responses should be sent and the deadline for submitting a proposal.

This information is being provided to premium members of RFID Journal at no extra cost. Our goal is to help organizations worldwide get better bids from more companies so they can choose a technology or service provider that will meet their needs. We also hope this will bring RFID solution providers greater revenue and grow the technology’s adoption—which, ultimately, will be good for RFID Journal‘s business.

It is clear that many organizations plan to deploy RFID to improve efficiencies, cut costs and achieve other benefits. We add two or three new proposal requests every day, and I can only hope that solution providers will take advantage of this new resource and respond to the posted RFPs.

Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal. If you would like to comment on this article, click on the link below. To read more of Mark’s opinions, visit the RFID Journal Blog, the Editor’s Note archive or RFID Connect.