What Database Software Can Be Used to Store RFID Data?

And what type of information is usually stored?

—Name withheld


RFID data can be stored in any database software. Typically, the database would contain an asset’s name or model number, information about that product, the unique RFID serial number associated with that item, and fields related to when and where the associated tag was interrogated.

Companies often have a computer in a facility that runs middleware to filter the data and then pass that information to the database. Unlike bar codes, RFID tags are read constantly. You would not want to store millions of tag reads as an object sat on a shelf, so you would use middleware to filter the data and pass on certain events. Data can be formatted to flow into an existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) application’s database, or you could use dedicated RFID software from companies such as GlobeRanger, InSync Software, OATSystems, RFID Global Solution, RFTrail and others.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal