Search Results: healthcare

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Mainspring Healthcare Offers New Workflow Solution to Go With New Name

The company, previously known as St. Croix Systems, is supplying hospitals with a single software platform to manage

NewsJanuary 31, 2014

Stanley Healthcare Releases Wi-Fi Version of Hugs Infant Protection System

The newest version of Hugs uses a hospital's existing Wi-Fi access points, making it more affordable to deploy,

NewsJuly 9, 2013

Michigan’s Memorial Healthcare Adopts Ekahau Wi-Fi Tags

The hospital is using the tags to enable personnel to request help or send an alert while working

NewsMarch 20, 2013

New Solution From Stanley Healthcare, GetWellNetwork Helps Keep Hospital Patients Informed

The system, already in use at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, combines Stanley's RTLS RFID technology with GetWellNetwork's Interactive

NewsJanuary 3, 2013

Stanley Healthcare Solutions Acquires Wi-Fi-based RTLS Company AeroScout

With the acquisition, Stanley plans to add real-time location system functionality to future versions of its patient- and

NewsJune 6, 2012

St. Andrew’s Healthcare Gets Help in Real Time

The British mental-health institution is reaping a bunch of benefits from its Wi-Fi-based RTLS infrastructure, consisting of Motorola

NewsOctober 18, 2010

RFID Journal and RFID in Healthcare Consortium to Host RFID in Health Care Seminar

During RFID Journal LIVE! 2010, leading hospitals and clinics will reveal ways to improve patient outcomes while cutting

NewsDecember 17, 2009

Healthcare, Pharma Industries to Increase RFID Spending

Market research from Kalorama Information predicts the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries will significantly increase their investments in RFID

NewsNovember 10, 2008

GE Healthcare Finds Opportunity, Acquires RTLS Firm

GE Healthcare puts its stake into the growing healthcare market for RTLS systems by acquiring software provider Agility

NewsOctober 7, 2008

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals’ Smart Cabinet Tracks Contrast Agents

The company has partnered with Mobile Aspects to provide an RFID system for tracking bottles of intravenous solution

NewsMay 13, 2008

Carolinas HealthCare System Deploying RTLS at Its 20 Hospitals

The organization will attach Wi-Fi based active RFID tags to 5,000 medical devices, to help ensure equipment is

NewsOctober 24, 2007

Carolinas HealthCare Launches Huge RTLS System

Carolinas HealthCare System is applying WiFi tags to more than 5,000 assets in what technology provider Ekahau calls

NewsOctober 9, 2007

ASD Healthcare Deploys RFID Refrigerated Drug Cabinets

More than 50 hospitals are using the units, which monitor the quantity and temperature of refrigerated medicines that

NewsSeptember 24, 2007

Emory Healthcare Tracks Its Pumps

Georgia's largest health-care system is using active RFID tags to track the status and location of 2,400 infusion

NewsMay 15, 2007

Active RFID Duals WiFi for Healthcare RTLS Supremacy

ABI Research says that neither of the leading real-time location systems (RTLS) technologies -- WiFi and active RFID

NewsOctober 25, 2006

Report: Healthcare RFID Worth $2.1B in 2016

Research firm IDTechEx has released a report on RFID's application in the healthcare market and its growth prospects

NewsApril 28, 2006

Report: RFID Healthcare Spending Boom in 2007

The National Alliance for Health Information Technology and giant information technology consulting firm BearingPoint have released the results

NewsDecember 2, 2005

Frost: RFID Pharma-Healthcare to Top $2B in 2011

Frost & Sullivan today released a report on RFID's application in the pharmaceutical and healthcare verticals, predicting the

NewsNovember 30, 2005