South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority, TransLink has launched a tap-less access system for those with mobility issues at 23 of the 56 Greater Vancouver area SkyTrain and SeaBus transit stations. The system employs radio frequency identification technology to prompt gates to open for those carrying UHF RFID-enabled badges so that they don’t need to use their hands. In 2016, TransLink replaced the old ticketing process with a gate system featuring passive 13.56 MHz RFID tags built into reloadable cards that commuters can tap against a gate to pay their fares and access stations. But for some passengers with mobility issues, this was an obstacle. Learn how TransLink leveraged the RFID-enabled system and is providing tap-less automated access to disabled passengers.
Speaker: Nadia Krys P.Eng., P.E., PMP, Senior Project Manager, Engineering & Project Services, TransLink, South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority