IoT Intelligence Ensures Product Quality and Improves Supply Chain Efficiency for Bega Cheese

Published: October 28, 2020

Australia’s Swinburne University of Technology has a number of Internet of Things-based pilots under way, each aimed at improving the quality of products companies produce, as well as making supply chains and operations more efficient. The projects include the testing of sensor-based technology and the data it can provide, along with analytics, alerting and other intelligence extrapolated from that data. Learn how Bega Cheese, an Australian food company, is using a solution developed by Swinburne University of Technology and Software AG to track the quality of milk produced at dairy farms throughout the State of Victoria. Bega Cheese is testing the technology to monitor the milk’s quality, when it was picked up and when it was delivered to the firm’s processing site. The presenter will share how the solution provides full traceability and visibility of the milk, from farm to processing, and how it enhances supply chain productivity and competitiveness.
Speaker: Dimitrio Georgakopoulos, Director, Internet of Things Lab & Industry 4.0 Program Leader, Manufacturing Futures Research Institute, Swinburne University of Technology