Princeville Ranch Adventures offers eco-adventures on the north shore of Kauai, in the Hawaiian Islands, and zip-lining has become its most popular attraction. Partnering with Snapsportz, a company specializing in capturing professional action images, Princeville Ranch Adventures is deploying RFID tags to trigger cameras positioned along the zip-line course so they can take photos of guests in action. The solution consists of an automated, outdoor camera system and a custom iPad retail solution that enables zip-liners to capture images of their experience, and to seamlessly share them on Facebook. Each camera on the course has a sensor that can read RFID tags on guests’ helmets. As zip-liners pass by each camera, the RFID technology triggers a series of shots that are instantly relayed to an onsite fulfillment computer. At the conclusion of the course, guests can enter their helmet number on an iPad kiosk to view, purchase and share their photos. Learn how Snapsportz overcame the deployment challenges presented by the course’s rugged conditions to provide a near-flawless image-capture system on the zip-line course.
Ben Kottke, CEO, Snapsportz, Inc.