Using RFID to Estimate Shelf Life Dynamically
The U.S. Department of Defense’s First Strike Rations (FSR) have approximately a two-year shelf life when stored under normal storage conditions (80 degrees Fahrenheit). Under high-temperature conditions, however, a significant degradation occurs in FSRs’ quality and nutritional content. Considering the crucial importance of FSRs, it’s essential to quantify the quality decrease following exposure to high temperatures, as well as from extreme environmental conditions during transit. In this session, learn how researchers at the University of Florida employed temperature-sensor-equipped RFID technology and a shelf-life estimation algorithm to calculate FSRs’ remaining shelf life, thereby significantly improving food quality, safety and security within the military supply chain. The presenters will explain the significance for commercial food suppliers.
Jean-Pierre Emond, Dean and Research Professor, College of Technology & Innovation, University of South Florida Polytechnic
Ismail Uysal, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, University of South Florida Polytechnic