Tuesday, Sept. 28, 9:35 AM – 10:05 AM
A quarter of the people on the planet – two billion people – have a near field communication (NFC) device and they probably don’t even know it. Or how to use it. NFC technology comes as a standard feature on most smartphones and is the easiest way to commission, connect and control an Internet-of-things (IoT) device or NFC tag. This presentation provides an overview on the newest IoT technology solutions and the resulting end-user experience in the IoT segment.
Key takeaways:
* Learn how NFC is playing a key role in making the Internet of Things a working reality.
* Hear real-world case studies from small IoT startups to large manufacturers, and understand how NFC is being used in retail and payments, mobility-as-a-service, identity control, transportation and automotive markets.
Speaker: Mike McCamon, Executive Director, NFC Forum