Choosing the Right RFID Technology for Manufacturing and Harsh Environments

Published: November 12, 2021

Many companies claim their tags are suitable for harsh environments, but as different as tags are, so are the definitions of “harsh” for various use cases. Standards are difficult to read, however, and tend to show up mostly in the form of strange numbers on datasheets. This presentation will explain the most relevant standards and visualize the test methods associated with each, enabling attendees to better map their needs to data sheet specifications and make the proper tag choice for their particular use cases. This session will also outline the steps that manufacturers must take to choose the right RFID system for a wide array of applications, including tracking parts bins, returnable transport containers, tools, work-in-process, finished goods inventory and much more, while building out an infrastructure for tracking and better managing other assets.
Speaker: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal