Latest In: extreme weather

AI artificial intelligence charging stations data infrastructure electric vehicles electrical grid Energy utilities EV Exploring AI for Utilities extreme weather IoT IoT sensors Itron Marina Donovan renewable energy sources Utilities
Extreme Weather Utility Wi-SUN Alliance

The Perfect Storm – How Utilities Leverage AI Ahead in a Changing Market

Utilities face some of the most rapid changes in energy demands worldwide and using IoT and artificial intelligence…

News October 21
AI artificial intelligence auto parts cellular tracking Data extreme weather IoT radio frequency identification Real-time data RFID Strike Supply Chain supply chain management U.S. Ports ultra-wideband Vehicles
Artificial Intelligence AI Auto Fleets

How the Port Workers Strike Reinforces the Need for Improved Supply Chain Resiliency

Though the strike was short and has been resolved, the lessons learned highlight the importance of bolstering supply…

Expert Views October 16
advance weather prediction Climate Change extreme weather IoT LoRa Phil Beecher U.S. Department of Energy Utility companies Wi-SUN Alliance
Extreme Weather Utility Wi-SUN Alliance

Utilities Survey Results Underscores IoT Solutions for Extreme Weather

Wi-SUN Alliance’s survey of utility decision makers found resiliency and response to weather-based outages are top of mind…

News March 6