WhereNet Deploys RFID Asset Tracking for Army Depot

The Tobyhanna army depot has chosen WhereNet's Real-Time Locating System to automate the tracking and inventorying of its radar systems.
Published: January 26, 2005

This article was originally published by RFID Update.

January 26, 2005—The Tobyhanna army depot has chosen to automate the tracking and inventorying of its radar systems using Real-Time Locating System from WhereNet, a Santa Clara, California-based supply chain management solutions provider. WhereNet’s system makes use of a powerful active RFID technology whose battery-powered tags can transmit up to 1,000 feet. It represents a classic case of total supply chain visibility, in which every tagged item’s location will be attainable in real time, without the need for human intervention.

As reported by Frontline Solutions