Where Can I Purchase a 1-bit RFID Transponder?

Published: September 21, 2011

Which vendors carry such a product?

—Name withheld


There is no such thing as a 1-bit RFID transponder. That’s because a group of transponders with 1 bit would be identical, so you would be unable to tell those with it on from those with it off. RFID tags all have the ability to carry a serial number, enabling identification via radio frequency identification technology.

Some electronic article surveillance (EAS) tags do employ 1 bit. Before an item is sold, the bit is turned on. If someone tries to steal that object, gates at the doorway read the bit and respond with an alarm. If the item is sold, the bit is turned off at the point of sale. My recommendation would be to contact companies that sell RF-based EAS systems.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal