Where Can I Find Information About Topics Related to RFID for Precision Agriculture?

Published: August 30, 2011

I need a solution that will work on small farms, or for companies that produce products for such farms.




I’m unaware of any companies or organizations that are using RFID for precision farming—if by “precision farming,” you mean the ability to control tractors and other equipment precisely via technology. Advanced machinery often employs GPS and other locationing technologies that do not require radio frequency identification.

RFID sensors are being used to sense temperature, moisture and sunlight on various areas of land, in order to ensure that the proper amount of irrigation is being applied. Here are some articles that might be of interest to you:

RF Sensors Could Optimize Crop Irrigation

RFID Helps California Crops Grow

Food and Livestock Tagging Expected to See Bumper Gains

Farmers Develop RFID System to Protect Children, Animals

Costa View Farms Milks Savings From RFID

Chitale Dairy Uses RFID to Improve Milk Yields

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal