What Is the Lifespan of an Active Tag?

Published: March 13, 2009

I recently saw a presentation in which the speaker said an active RFID tag can last for only four years. May I request that you kindly inform me of the lifespan for active and passive RFID tags?

—Abuja, Nigeria


The lifespan of an active tag depends on two main factors: the battery used and how often it is asked to transmit a signal. Some batteries can last for a year, while larger batteries can last for a decade. A tag can be set to broadcast its signal once per second, or once an hour, so the answer really depends on what kind of battery is used, and how often the tag is asked to transmit a signal. Passive tags can last for decades, depending on how they are treated. A tag in a dry environment with moderate temperatures that is not banged around can continue to perform normally for an indefinite period of time. But most vendors put a lifespan of about 10 years on their tags, as humidity and other environmental factors can affect the microchip.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal