Virginia Considers RFID for its Driver’s Licenses

The state of Virginia is considering adding RFID chips to its driver's licenses, a technique proponents argue will enhance security and cut down on identity theft.
Published: October 7, 2004

This article was originally published by RFID Update.

October 7, 2004—The state of Virginia is considering adding RFID chips to its driver’s licenses, a technique proponents argue will enhance security, increase efficiency, and cut down on identity theft. They note that 19 of the September 11 hijackers had illegally obtained valid driver’s licenses in Virginia. Opponents, including the American Civil Liberties Union, counter that RFID is not the answer, and indeed that embedding licenses with RFID tags would not even address the holes that the terrorists were able to exploit. They also argue that tagged licenses would compromise privacy, allowing the government, identity fraudsters, or other ill-intentioned individuals to surreptiously obtain a licensee’s personal data merely by standing within range and waving an RFID reader.

Read the article at The Washington Times