Understanding RFID Technology Buyers

Published by RFID Journal: November 2009
Published: December 5, 2010

RFID Journal, the leading source of news and in-depth information regarding radio frequency identification (RFID) and its many applications, created this special report, offering a detailed description of typical RFID technology buyers. The report, based on a survey of 200 end users and potential end users of RFID systems, is supplemented by a detailed analysis of RFID Journal’s database of more than 75,000 readers.

“RFID technology providers have always had difficulty identifying the businesses likely to deploy RFID, and the people within those organizations, since they could come from a variety of functional areas within those companies,” said Mark Roberti, RFID Journal’s founder and editor. “We decided to provide a detailed look at who is adopting RFID, which industries they come from, how they make decisions and so on, in order to help RFID firms more effectively target likely customers.”

The 10-page report includes numerous detailed tables and graphs, including:


• End users or potential end users of RFID technologies, broken down by industry

• Size of end-user companies, broken down by number of employees

• Percentage of end users who subscribed to RFID Journal in 2009, broken down by industry

• Applications of RFID technology in which end users are most interested

• Individuals involved in RFID purchasing decisions, broken down by functional area

• Types of marketing that end users say influence their RFID purchasing decisions

• Media employed by end users when researching RFID solutions


• Percentage of companies that have an RFID team examining potential applications

• Percentage of respondents who serve as the RFID team or project leader for their company

• How end-user companies handle RFID purchases

• The length of the RFID buying cycle

• How respondents became interested in or learned about RFID technology

• Where decision makers get information about RFID and its business applications

• Which vertical industry events decision makers have attended in the past three years

RFID adoption is spreading, and RFID Journal’s audience comprises the majority of those companies in each industry that have already adopted—or are in the process of adopting—RFID technologies. As such, its readership provides the greatest insights into how the RFID market will evolve over time.

“This is the most comprehensive examination of the companies purchasing RFID systems, and the individuals who make those decisions, ever produced,” Roberti stated. “The information in the report will be of interest not just to marketers looking to spend their budgets more effectively, but also to product development teams that want to develop applications that are in demand.”

Purchase the report.

Download the executive summary, contents and full list of tables and charts.