The Right Approach to an RFID Implementation

Computerworld advises approaching your RFID implementation with a more flexible, open-minded approach than you would a traditional IT project.
Published: September 20, 2004

This article was originally published by RFID Update.

September 20, 2004—RFID is not perfect. Far from it. It is an emerging, immature technology with daunting imperfections. But if you’re a supplier racing to meet a customer’s RFID mandate, you’ve got no choice but to adopt it. According to Frank Hayes at Computerworld, given this fact, do not approach your RFID implementation as a traditional IT initiative. Success will require a more adaptive, open-minded, and creative approach. Don’t assume that you can apply a typical methodology to your first RFID implementation. Treat this as an adventure and a learning experience – it’s the only way.

Read the article at Computerworld