The RFID Marketer’s Handbook

Smart Strategies for Finding Potential Buyers and Converting Them Into Customers
Published: January 4, 2013

Sample chart: John Hull


• The technology adoption life cycle

• Has your company deployed an RFID system, or does it plan to do so within the next 67 months?

• How much time elapsed between when you began researching RFID and when you deployed or plan to deploy?

• How did your company become interested in RFID technology?

• Adoption trends by industry

• Where RFID technology buyers live

RFID Journal readership by industry

• Size of end-user companies, by number of employees

• Individuals involved in RFID purchasing decisions, broken down by functional area

• Does your company have a team responsible for RFID?

• How are RFID purchasing decisions made?

• Applications in which end users are interested

• Potential market size today

• Which types of events have you attended in the past three years?

• How did you personally get involved in RFID at your company?

• How do you or the people within your company responsible for making RFID decisions obtain information about the technology?

• Where technology buyers get information

• Moore’s theory in a nutshell

Sample chart: John Hull

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