RFID Journal announced today that the second RFID Academic Convocation will be held in conjunction with RFID Journal LIVE! on May 1, at the MGM Grand Conference Center in Las Vegas. Academics from around the world will present research papers vetted by a conference committee organizing the event. Those registering for RFID Journal LIVE! can attend by choosing the convocation as part of the deluxe conference package. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund future academic conferences.
“This is an opportunity for RFID Journal to support the research going on around the world by bringing those doing the research together with industry leaders attending our fourth annual conference and exhibition,” says Mark Roberti, founder and editor of RFID Journal. “The first convocation, held recently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was a resounding success. Holding the second one in conjunction with RFID Journal LIVE! will build on the momentum created.”
The RFID Academic Convocation, an independent event hosted by the Auto-ID Labs at MIT, is led by a committee consisting of university RFID research directors responsible for the academic integrity of the proceedings, which are separate from the RFID Journal LIVE! conference and exhibition. The convocation is cochaired by John Williams, director of the Auto-ID Labs at MIT; Stephen Miles, a research engineer at the Auto-ID Labs at MIT; and Bill Hardgrave, director of the RFID Research Center at the University of Arkansas.
“If RFID is to live up to its long-term promise of revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, distribute and sell products, then industry and researchers need to collaborate to solve the many deployment issues that still exist,” says Williams. “Given that RFID Journal LIVE! attracts most of the leaders in industry, it’s an ideal place to hold our convocation.”
The objectives for the RFID Academic Convocation are to:
- Identify specific industry issues related to RFID implementation that require a coordinated research response.
- Define underlying core technology research areas required to address these issues.
- Begin a technology road-mapping process to resolve the issues.
Individuals interested in presenting research papers at the second RFID Academic Convocation plenary session, or in subsequent breakout sessions organized by the session leaders, are invited to submit them via e-mail to
[email protected]. Abstracts and papers submitted to the conference committee will be subject to an academic peer review process. The conference committee will decide on the presenters and content for the convocation.
Parties wishing to collaborate in the technology-roadmapping process in preparation for the second RFID Academic Convocation are invited to contribute directly to the online forum (autoid.mit.edu/CS/forums/default.aspx) hosted by MIT Auto-ID Labs and overseen by session leaders
Academics wishing to attend the RFID Academic Convocation will receive a special rate, as well as a discount on the RFID Journal LIVE! registration if they wish to attend both the conference and exhibition. More details are available on the RFID Journal LIVE! Web site.