RFID Journal, Microelectronics Technology Inc. and Enso Detego Introduce FiND-iT

The solution allows small businesses to use an Android smartphone or tablet or a PC to track inventory, such as files, works of art, books and other items.
Published: April 30, 2013

RFID Journal, Microelectronics Technology Inc. (MTI) and Enso Detego today introduced FiND-iT, a PC and Android smartphone or tablet solution that enables users to associate passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification tags with items, as well as create inventory lists and find those objects using an Android smartphone or tablet.

“This application is designed to meet the needs of small businesses with a small number of items that they want to track,” says Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor. “Larger companies can also purchase it as a starter kit. If they find that the application meets their needs, they can purchase additional readers and upgrade to Enso Detego’s Surveyor EXPRESS enterprise application.”

With the FiND-iT application, small businesses can track inventory using an Android smartphone or tablet or a PC.

The FiND-iT kit includes one MTI RFID ME USB dongle reader, one MTI MINI ME RFID reader for Android hosts, a USB 18-inch extension cable, a USB On-the-Go (OTG) adapter cable and 50 pre-encoded and serialized EPC Gen 2 RFID labels. Users can download the Android software for a tablet or smartphone via Google Play, and the PC application at the FiND-iT section of Enso Detego’s Web site.

The application allows a user to apply a UHF RFID label to a non-metallic object, such as an etching in an art gallery or health-care files in a doctor’s office. When the tag is presented to the PC running the FiND-iT software and equipped with MTI’s USB dongle reader, the user can enter information about that object, including its name and location, along with other attributes created by that individual.

The inventory list, created by associating the labels’ encoded serial numbers with numerous objects, can be synched with the software on the smartphone or tablet. The MINI ME RFID reader can then be attached to any device capable of supporting Android hosts, and the phone or tablet can be used to perform a shelf inventory count or locate a particular item.

“Our goal was to create an integrated solution that takes advantage of our phone and PC readers,” says Darryn Prince, MTI’s RFID business unit head. “This allows small businesses to manage inventory more efficiently, and larger companies to put an RFID reader in just about every worker’s hands.”

FiND-iT is based on Enso Detego’s powerful Surveyor software platform, so users can upgrade easily. The FiND-iT software is a result of a cooperative effort involving Enso Detego and Joanneum Research, a technology research and development company based in Austria. “The important thing about the FiND-iT solution is that the phone and PC applications can be synched,” says Alexander Gauby, Enso Detego’s general manager. “This allows you to manage inventory on a PC, and to use the phone to go out and read tags. You can export your data as well.”

MTI is a technology company specializing in wireless communication product development and manufacturing for more than 30 years. Enso Detego is a provider of automatic-identification and RFID products and solutions to the fashion and food and beverage Industries. The company offers solutions enabling customers to improve their efficiency and security within their supply chain, logistics and asset-tracking operations. Enso Detego’s detego software modules support standardized business processes in production, distribution, transportation and retail.

The FiND-iT solution will be demonstrated at RFID Journal LIVE! 2013, RFID Journal‘s 11th annual conference and exhibition, being held this week, from Apr. 30 to May 2, in Orlando, Fla. The demo will take place in MTI’s booth (430) at the event. The solution can be purchased via RFID Journal‘s Web site, at www.rfidjournal.com/store/RFID-findit.