All CEOs wish they had a crystal ball, so they could see the future and prepare for it rather than simply react to change. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know what the world will be like in, say, 20 years. But we believe radio frequency identification will be widely adopted by 2030 and will have a profound impact not just on the way companies do business, but on the way people shop, travel, learn and more.
Exactly how this growth will take place isn’t clear, but there are signs. Technology providers that promote the benefits of RFID and deliver solutions to solve specific business problems, providing a fast return on investment, will lead the way. At the same time, companies that use the technology—to track assets and inventory, streamline operations and business processes, or provide customer services—will create and leverage an RFID infrastructure to achieve even more benefits.
In the following scenarios, we imagine what the world will be like in 2030. Read them, then ask yourself where your company will be 20 years from today. Will you be powering or using the solutions that attract shoppers to retail stores, expedite product shipments, put the joy back in travel, enhance education, simplify chores and save lives? Or will you be playing catch-up?
Check out the following scenarios:
• Postcards From the RFID Edge
• Power in the Age of Visibility
• The Sandwich Generation Blog
• How Technology Has Shaped Today’s Schools
We’d like to thank the following people for sharing their insight and expertise to help us look into RFID’s future:
• Magda Balazinska, assistant professor, department of computer science and engineering, University of Washington
• Venkat Krishnamurthy, CTO, Checkpoint Systems
• Michael Liard, RFID practice director, ABI Research
• Mike Liebhold, senior researcher, Institute for the Future
• June Ruby, director of manufacturing solutions group, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions
• Alan Sherman, director of marketing, OATSystems
• Chris Warner, senior product manager of RFID, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions