IHS Markit Expert to Deliver IoT Sensors Keynote

At the 2017 TDK Sensor Developers Conference, to be held in Santa Clara, Calif., Jenalea Howell will offer a keynote speech titled "IoT and the World of Sensors."
Published: October 2, 2017


Jenalea Howell, director of IoT and connectivity at IHS Markit, a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions, will deliver a keynote speech titled “IoT and the World of Sensors” at the TDK Sensor Developers Conference 2017 on October 23 in Santa Clara, CA.

Sensors often presented as the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), measuring and collecting data that enables any IoT application. The dynamics around the adoption of IoT strategies today has a significant impact on the demand for sensors, which are experiencing significant growth trends directly in correlation with the overall IoT movement.

To help the marketplace understand the impacts of this relationship, Howell will address the variety of ways sensors are incorporated into IoT solutions, from stand-alone connected sensors dedicated to specific tasks to more complex sensor bundles, which incorporate multiple types of sensors as well as embedded processing and utilize sensor fusion techniques. Howell’s presentation will focus on four key questions about the development of the sensors market:

• Where are multi-function sensors utilizing sensor fusion driving adoption of devices that are more situationally and environmentally aware?
• When looking at deploying advanced connected sensor solutions with the potential to generate a much larger volumes of data, what will be the role of embedded processing in enabling more compute/intelligence at the edge of the network?
• Which applications and use cases will drive large deployments of new sensors/sensor networks?
• What are key examples of successful applications where connected sensors provide clear return on investment?

To connect with Jenalea Howell, email her at [email protected]. To learn more about the TDK Sensors Developers Conference 2017, please visit: http://www.cvent.com/d/z5qh4p. If you have questions about other topics, please contact Annette Hamilton, director of strategic communications for IHS Markit, or [email protected].