How Can RFID Be Used in Libraries?

Published: January 7, 2013

Please explain how radio frequency identification is being utilized in that sector. Does the technology render librarians obsolete?

—Name withheld


Radio frequency identification can do many things, but at its most basic, it enables you to count and locate items more quickly and efficiently. High-frequency (HF) tags are typically used in libraries, though some libraries are now employing long-range passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) tags.

By placing a tag inside every book, a library could conduct a quick and efficient inventory count. Libraries typically place readers within return bins, in self-service kiosks, and at entrances and exits.

RFID does not eliminate the need for librarians. What it does is make it possible for librarians to perform the menial tasks to which they are assigned—locating and counting books, for example—much more efficiently. This frees them up to spend more time helping patrons locate books and other resources.

You can peruse a list of articles related to RFID library deployments on our Web site, by clicking here.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal