On Apr., we presented the sixth annual RFID Journal Awards for outstanding achievement in radio frequency identification, at RFID Journal LIVE! 2012, our 10th annual conference and exhibition. You can read about each end user’s RFID project in the following stories.
You’ll learn how Omni-ID‘s ProView Visual Tagging System lets businesses update instructions automatically, on the fly, and why Bill Hardgrave got the retail community excited about RFID. This year, we also introduced a new award for Best RFID Thesis, to recognize researchers.

The Winners:
Cisco—Best RFID Implementation (see Cisco’s Business-Driven RFID Strategy)
Intel—Best Use of RFID in a Product or Service (see A New Tool for Electronics)
BP—Most Innovative Use of RFID (see BP Refines Maintenance Operations)
HP Brazil—RFID Green Award (see Extracting New Value From Old Printers)
Omni-ID—Best New RFID Product (see RFID Issues Instructions On the Fly)
Bill Hardgrave—Special Achievement in RFID (see Giving RFID Credibility)
Cecilia Occhiuzzi—Best RFID Thesis
You can view all of the presentations and acceptance speeches in the video library at rfidjournal.com.