Call for Submissions for the 2009 RFID Journal Awards

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2009 RFID Journal Awards, which will be awarded at RFID Journal LIVE! 2009, to be held April 27-29, 2009.
Published: September 24, 2008

RFID Journal has announced that it is now accepting submissions for the 2009 RFID Journal Awards, which recognize companies that have distinguished themselves by their successful use of RFID technology. The winners will be announced at RFID Journal LIVE! 2009, the company’s seventh annual conference and exhibition, which will be held Apr. 27-29 at the Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, Fla.

The deadline for all submissions is Jan. 30, 2009. The awards will be given in four categories:

Best RFID Implementation: This award will be given to an end-user company utilizing RFID to improve its manufacturing, supply chain or retail operations. The winner will be the company that best demonstrates how radio frequency identification is delivering real value to shareholders.

Best Use of RFID to Enhance a Product or Service: This award will be given to an end-user company that has employed RFID technology to enhance an existing product or service. The winner will be the firm that best demonstrates how it is using RFID to provide additional value to its customers.

Most Innovative Use of RFID: This award will be given to the end-user company with the most novel use of RFID technology to solve a business problem, deliver a return on investment to shareholders or improve customer service.

Best in Show: This award will be given to the RFID technology hardware, software or service provider chosen from among 10 finalists by the editors of RFID Journal, with input from RFID Journal LIVE! attendees, as the best new product or service showcased at the conference. Those finalists will offer presentations on the event’s exhibit hall floor.

RFID Journal‘s editors have selected an independent panel of five judges to evaluate entries in each category and choose this year’s award winners. The judges were selected from academia because they understand RFID’s business applications and can be completely objective. Among the judges already confirmed are:

Most Innovative Use of RFID

Best RFID Implementation

Best Use of RFID in a Product or Service

Best In Show

“The awards have been an unqualified success, and we’ve added additional judges this year to handle the volume of submissions we expect,” Roberti says. “I’m pleased that we have been able to recruit the top academics from RFID labs around the world to judge the entries, and I’m excited to begin reading the submissions.”

The judges will evaluate the submissions and choose the best RFID applications in each of the three categories, as well as the 10 finalists for Best in Show. An awards ceremony will then be held at RFID Journal LIVE! 2009, and the winning entries will also be featured in RFID Journal magazine.