2013 RFID Journal Awards: Honoring Excellence

Meet this year's award winners.
Published: June 17, 2013

On May 2, we presented the seventh annual RFID Journal Awards for outstanding achievement in radio frequency identification, at RFID Journal LIVE!, our 11th annual conference and exhibition.

You can read about the end users’ RFID project in the following stories. You’ll also learn how Impinj‘s reader can monitor a wide area in real time, and why Kevin Ashton is “the man who changed the world.”

In addition, you can view all the presentations and acceptance speeches—including those of the finalists—in the video library on RFID Journal‘s Web site.

Hanmi Pharmaceutical:
Best RFID Implementation

Best Use of RFID to Enhance a Product or Service

Infinite Biomedical Technologies:
Most Innovative Use of RFID

The City of Grand Rapids, Michigan:
RFID Green Award

Kevin Ashton:
Special Achievement

Best in Show