by s9800078 | Mar 30, 2020
The Electronic Product Code identifies individual products, but all the useful information about the product would be written in a new, standard computer language called the Physical Markup Language (PML). PML is based on the widely accepted eXtensible Markup Language...
by s9800078 | Mar 30, 2020
In addition to product information that doesn’t change (such as material composition), PML will include data that changes constantly (dynamic data) and data that changes over time (temporal data). Dynamic data in a PML file might include the temperature of a...
by s9800078 | Mar 30, 2020
PML files will be stored in online databases that will be part of something called the EPC Information Service (formerly called a PML server). The EPC Information Service is a distributed system of managing EPC data across many computers connected to the Internet. One...
by s9800078 | Mar 30, 2020
EPCglobal is promoting the Electronic Product Code as the next standard for identifying products. It is trying to create a migration path for companies to move from established standards for bar codes to the new EPC. To encourage this evolution, it has adopted the...
by s9800078 | Mar 30, 2020
Bar codes are a line-of-sight technology. That is, a scanner has to “see” the bar code to read it. That means people usually have to orient the bar code towards a scanner for it to be read. Also, if a bar code label is ripped, soiled or falls off, there is...