Exploring the Growing Influence of DC DC Converters in Defense

Such devices are growing in importance and can be integrated with the Internet of Things.
Published: July 26, 2017

To some, DC DC converters are relatively simple electronic devices that serve a basic purpose. This is not entirely accurate, however, as such converters are far more complex and are playing an increasingly influential role in the defense sector in the modern age. This is thanks largely to the rising threat of cyber-crime and identity theft, which has created considerable challenges for businesses and public-sector bodies alike.

In this article, we will look at the growing importance of DC DC converters and the way in which they can be integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT).

What Is a DC DC Converter, and How Does It Work With the IoT?
In simple terms, a DC DC converter is an electromechanical device or electronic circuit that converts a source of direct current from one voltage level to another. An advanced type of power converter, it is available in many flexible designs and has found several applications in the digital age.

Make no mistake—it is the IoT and the concept of an unceasingly interconnected world that has reinforced the importance of DC DC converters. After all, the IoT comprises a vast network that bridges the gap between the corporeal and the virtual worlds, while connecting a growing number of devices and apps. The function of the IoT requires flexible power solutions and stable voltages that are resilient to potential interruptions, from geo-location systems to smart technology innovations and platforms.

The rise of the IoT has also driven the development of wireless sensor nodes, which typically have short battery lives and have forced innovators to seek out ultra-low-power, integrated circuits. Modern DC DC converters, such as those sold by businesses like XP Power, are ideally suited to meeting this demand, extending the battery life of IoT nodes and driving more reliable integration between devices.

How Does This Reinforce the Defense Against Cyber Crime and Increase Security?
By optimizing individual connections and guaranteeing a viable power source to IoT nodes, DC DC converters can create a more secure network that protects people’s homes, devices and private data. If you take smart locking and home security systems, for example, these rely on a sustainable and continuous power resource to devices and integrated sensors. Without this, these systems can prevail and become increasingly vulnerable, and this is an issue that DC DC converters can help to resolve.

The increased battery life of IoT nodes can also guarantee the safe and seamless delivery of data between devices, particularly when it is shared between online and offline devices. The last thing you want is to send sensitive or private data between devices, only to lose power or the underlying connection, as this may create gaps in communication or ultimately leave your information at risk. This is an important consideration, and one that underlines the importance of DC DC converters in the digital age.

Why DC DC Converters Will Become Even More Important In the Future
For now, the IoT remains a relatively new concept that has yet to reach its full potential. As the network grows to include more devices, and as the connection between the corporeal and virtual worlds becomes increasingly prominent, the need for flexible power and sustainable IoT nodes will become far more pressing. Fortunately, DC DC converters will continue to evolve to meet these needs, and will underpin a technological evolution that will revolutionize the world in which we live.

Andre Gwilliam is a freelance writer working toward a future aim of running his own writers company. He writes across a variety of subjects that are close to the heart of the U.K. economy, including property, investments, business logistics and market trends. He has been writing for the past three years, having graduated with a degree in English literature and creative writing. Andre is open to collaborations to benefit his growing portfolio.