Latest In: Preconference

RFID Basics

New to RFID? This optional session for all preconference attendees provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the…

Video April 16

Improving Inventory Accuracy With RFID

Following a successful pilot of handheld RFID technology, G-Star, an international fashion brand operating more than 300 stores,…

Video April 16

Preparing for the Technology-Enabled Future of Retail

Retail is changing, as everyone knows. Social media and ubiquitous connectivity are driving new shopping habits and new…

Video April 16

Insights From a Major RFID Deployment: Interview With Target Corp.

Kevin O’Dare, Target’s lead business partner, will sit down with Dr. Bill Hardgrave, Auburn University’s provost and VP,…

Video April 16

Building Your RFID Business Case

RFID can provide several advantages over existing automated-identification technologies in terms of supply chain and inventory management. In…

Video April 16

Designing Your RFID Solution

RFID is not just about tags and readers. It’s a multi-layer system comprising different hardware and software technologies,…

Video April 16

Key Steps in Building an Inventory-Management RFID Solution: Build Your Own RFID Portal

You’ve probably seen an RFID implementation that demonstrates the tracking of incoming and outgoing inventory at the warehouse…

Video April 16

Targeting the Correct RFID Technology for the Right Project

This session will present proven methods used to discover profitable challenges that can be addressed with RFID, and…

Video April 16

Linking RFID to Inventory-Management Best Practices

RFID has finally reached a level of maturity at which a critical number of end users are benefiting…

Video April 16