DOD Enhances Asset Visibility for Warfighters

Published: May 9, 2016

This panel will focus on the importance of the U.S. Department of Defense, industry and academia partnerships for effective use of automatic identification technology (AIT) to enhance many of the DOD’s business processes. The panelists will discuss the AIT efforts of their company or agency, their role in supporting the DOD’s AIT program and potential future AIT technologies of interest to the DOD.
Moderator: David Blackford, AIT/ITV Distribution Integrator, U.S. Transportation Command
Major Ramon Salas, Requirements Officer, U.S. Army
Kenneth Morgan, Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, IT Integration Branch Chief, U. S. Air Force
Mark Wyrosdick, Contractor Support, Coalition Management System, U.S. Transportation Command
Dan Chuhay, Director, Government and International, ORBCOMM
Hal Casey, Director,Ordnance, AIT and Joint Systems, U.S. Navy