This article was originally published by RFID Update.
October 20, 2004—The answer most often given to those that complain about RFID’s high up-front cost and lack of near-term ROI is that this technology represents such potential to optimize business processes that its benefits are not easily quantifiable. They say, as this article does, that RFID is a business revolution, not merely a technological one. This same group might compare RFID to the introduction of the LAN or email: it’s hard to measure exactly how much those technologies have increased efficiency, but it is indisputable that they have done so in such a transformative way that every professional today fundamentally relies on them as basic tools of business. And RFID, its proponents believe, will be the same way. So while it may be hard to appreciate the long-term enhancement to business in the face of fast-approaching mandate deadlines and hefty expenditures, when this first phase has passed it will be difficult to imagine business before there was a real-time window onto every point in the supply chain.
Read the article at CRM Buyer