Record Number of New Products to Be Showcased in RFID Journal LIVE! Exhibit Hall

RFID innovations designed to address the needs of companies in virtually all industries will be on display during the conference, which will be held on Apr. 8-10, in Orlando, Fla.
Published: March 20, 2014

RFID Journal announced today that a record number of new products will be showcased in the exhibit hall at this year’s RFID Journal LIVE! conference and exhibition, to be held on Apr. 8-10, at the Orange County Convention Center, located in Orlando, Fla.

RFID technology is evolving quickly, and solution providers are introducing a new wave of innovative products to address the needs of companies in industries as diverse as retail, construction and health care. Many of the new products are designed to make deployments easier, or to deliver a faster return on investment, while others enable RFID to be used in entirely new applications.

Among the types of new products that attendees will be able to view at LIVE! are:

• Tags for harsh environments
• Smaller, lighter readers
• Surface readers less than an inch thick
• New antennas for shelf units and displays
• Reader modules that can be embedded in other products
• Software for managing inventory and assets in a variety of industries
• Chips and tags designed specifically for retail and apparel applications
• Bluetooth-enabled readers
• High-memory tags
• Smartphone RFID readers
• Readers for library management and retail inventory management
• Software designed for the specific needs of companies in aerospace, construction, health care, manufacturing, retail and other sectors

A complete list of new products that will be exhibited at LIVE! 2014 can be found here.

“Gone are the days when you couldn’t find a tag or reader that would work in a certain application,” said Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor. “There’s almost nothing that cannot be tracked today via RFID, and there’s a reader available for every application. Those who considered RFID a few years ago but found that it would not work for their needs should take a second look.”

A number of new products being exhibited will also be featured in the Best in Show category of this year’s RFID Journal Awards. A Coolest Demo Contest will be held in the event’s exhibit hall. These demonstrations will highlight the many applications and capabilities of radio frequency identification solutions.

LIVE! 2014 will feature four industry-specific and four how-to conference tracks, as well as eight in-depth preconference seminars and workshops, four post-conference seminars, fast-track training provided by RFID4U, and a co-located event, IEEE RFID 2014. What’s more, the conference will offer exhibits and demonstrations conducted by more than 200 of the industry’s leading technology firms.