Where Can We Obtain an Email List of RFID Systems Integrators?


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Ask The ExpertsCategory: QuestionsWhere Can We Obtain an Email List of RFID Systems Integrators?
gracie huang asked 3 years ago

We are looking to partner with more integrators and would like to send out an email invitation. Is there a list of integrators available in this community, so that we can develop a channel?


= = =


I'm sorry, but we do not have a list of systems integrators, nor have I ever seen such a list. There are many integrators around the world; some go out of business, while others are added every day. I think the best way for you to develop a channel would be to exhibit at events, such as  RFID Journal LIVE!, and send emails to the integrators that attend (tools are provided to LIVE!'s exhibitors to do this), then invite them to your booth to have a conversation. This recommendation may sound self-serving on our part, but it is the right way for you to go about building a channel. Merely emailing a large group and signing up those who respond, without having any personal discussions, is unlikely to bear fruit.

Mark Roberti
Founder and Editor
RFID Journal


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