If I Were Microchipped, How and Where Could I Find Out About This?


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Ask The ExpertsCategory: QuestionsIf I Were Microchipped, How and Where Could I Find Out About This?
Jaime Montgomery asked 3 years ago

I'm having symptoms of depression, migraines, moodiness, a lack of trust, feeling like a puppet, attracting electricity, etc. Is there an app I could use to find an RFID chip in Google Play? I experience serious vibrations a lot, along with many other symptoms physically, but I definitely feel like a robot. I am in no way emotionally or mentally attached to anyone. I stay off to myself quite often because I don't want to harm anyone. Can you please tell me what to look for?


= = =


An RFID tag in your body, if there were one (which I strongly doubt there is), would only allow someone to read the tag and retrieve a serial number. It would not cause depression, vibrations or any other symptoms.

The reason I strongly doubt you've been implanted with an RFID tag is that the tag could only be read from a few inches away. So what would be the point?

Mark Roberti
Founder and Editor
RFID Journal


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