Can RFID Pinpoint a Tag’s Location to Within a Half-Inch?

By RFID Journal

  • TAGS
Ask The ExpertsCan RFID Pinpoint a Tag’s Location to Within a Half-Inch?
RFID Journal Staff asked 9 years ago

Is it possible to use the technology to locate a tag with accuracy of half an inch, while at the same time detecting it from a distance of up to 1 foot?

—Name withheld


It is impossible to pinpoint the location of any passive or active tag to within half an inch. The nature of radio waves are such that they bounce off surfaces, which means they can reach the reader antenna at different times and from different angles, even when coming from a single tag that is not stationary. Systems are improving all the time, but that level of location accuracy is not currently attainable, and probably will not be for years.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal

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