Why Is My Question Not Displayed in the Ask the Experts Forum?

By RFID Journal

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Ask The ExpertsWhy Is My Question Not Displayed in the Ask the Experts Forum?
RFID Journal Staff asked 10 years ago

Can you please tell me why my query was not answered?

—Name Withheld


We answer more than 95 percent of all questions submitted. Sometimes, a question may have been recently answered, so we would not do so again. Sometimes, it is so unclear as to make it impossible to provide a good answer. And sometimes, it just takes us a while to receive a response from someone who has the information the submitter is requesting. We also space answers out when posting. So if we receive 10 questions in a single day, we might post answers over the next three or four days, rather than posting all 10 in one day and then perhaps having none to post the next day.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal

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