Would I Need a Receiver Antenna to Create Near-Field Zone Saturations at Certain Distances?

By RFID Journal

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Ask The ExpertsWould I Need a Receiver Antenna to Create Near-Field Zone Saturations at Certain Distances?
RFID Journal Staff asked 5 years ago

If so, what actions would I need, and would I need more than one antenna?




Passive UHF and passive HF RFID readers typically use the same antenna for the send and receive functions, so you would not need a separate antenna. However, for a passive UHF reader, you would need a near-field reader antenna. (Most come with far-field reader antennas.) To create a read zone at a certain distance, you may need to attenuate the antenna. That is, you might need to reduce the energy output of the reader antenna to reduce the read distance.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal

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