Can E-Seals on Containers Help With Security?

By RFID Journal

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Ask The ExpertsCan E-Seals on Containers Help With Security?
RFID Journal Staff asked 5 years ago

If so, why?




Yes, they can. Seals allow you to check a container's integrity more often with less manpower, because seals can be read automatically as containers are loaded from and unloaded onto a ship, train or truck, or as they pass through a portal. Keeping a closer eye on containers discourages thieves from trying to break into containers. Here are some articles we've written about container seals:

Royal Food Import Expects E-Seals Will Save It a King's Ransom

RFID Seals Provide Border Security in Eastern Europe

Taiwan Customs Officials Adopt RFID-enabled Container Seals

Appliance Maker, Logistics Providers Test Passive RFID Container Seal

US Tests Satellite Security System

RFID Container Seals Deliver Security, Value

Securing Your Cargo With Seals

I hope the above prove useful to you.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal

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