Cover Stories

The $69 Billion Problem

The $69 Billion Problem

Out-of-stocks have long been the bane of the retail industry. RFID has the potential to make sure products are where they need to be, but solving the problem involves more than just tagging goods in the supply chain.

A Guide to Sensor Network Terms

RFID tags and wireless sensors share several traits. Both communicate via radio waves, contain a serial number and require the same basic IT infrastructure to aggregate, analyze and distribute data to the people who can act on it. RFID is, in fact, the foundation on which sensor networks are built (once you identify an object, only then does it become possible to know its condition). Here are some common terms related to sensor technology
Mandate for Change

Mandate for Change

Thanks to Wal-Mart and the U.S. Department of Defense, suppliers have to spend millions to put RFID tags on pallets and cases. A money pit? Not if companies get smart.